Guys, growing up is rough, isn’t it? It’s funny, I feel like, as kids, most of us can’t wait to be adults because it means having shiny toys like cars and cell phones, and owning your own house where you make the rules. Ugh, it’s just so dreamy! Boy, did I get a reality check! As a freshman my little 15 year old self was drooling over adulthood because it meant I could wear stylish business casual outfits and go to an important job. Little did I know that was the age I was going to meet my husband in marching band of all places.
I was on color guard (the flag team), and my husband played trumpet (his mom’s to be exact). I felt this sense of self-power when I was twirling. I mean, this little five foot girl was successfully twirling a 6 foot flag without breaking herself or anyone/thing around her; for the most part. It turns out that when we got our field show positions, my husband and I were standing closer than we thought. Everyone always giggles when I answer their “how did you two meet” question with, “Oh, I nearly wacked him, and his instrument (his mom’s) with my flag.” And the rest was history!
Of course, as we got older we actually had to consider what we wanted to be when we grew up. We dabbled in a few things, and for him, being a pilot, stuck. I didn’t quite find my passions until college, but that’s okay! Anyway, by the end of senior year, he was a licensed private pilot, and was accepted into a flight school located in Utah. To be honest, that scared me. What if he had plans for his future and I was not apart of them? Well after discussing quite a bit, we ended up decided that I should take the plunge and go to school with him; and I did. Five years later, we have graduated and are living the married life.
He is about to head to the commercial airlines; hey! He may be your pilot one day! And I’m still trying to figure out what it is like to be an adult. I’m a great student; as a normal adult, I just go crazy. I’m currently pursuing my Masters degree in Management and Leadership, after receiving my Bachelors in Environmental Studies. I want to use these degrees to the best of their abilities, and make some sort of a difference in my community. I started this blog so that I can start to make that difference. I want people to feel like they are heard. I want you to know that through this, you have someone to talk to, and have someone to laugh at. If you’re willing to take the plunge, I urge you to adventure with me through my posts and my vlog, and get to know me and get a small taste of what life is like as a pilot’s wife.